Hello 3D WEB'ers! Thanks for purchasing SPINNER the scene layout tool for Microsoft Windows (and soon to be the premier 3D editing tool). We've received some pretty good reviews from the "professional" community - HTML'ers, modelers and such. Here's what they've said: "You output primitive objects as true VRML primitives!! Yeah!!" (Working on improving it) "Love those 2D Ortho Views!" "Working in a 3D fully render 3D Scene is really intuitive; much better than working on one object at a time" Wanna see a neat demo?: Double-click the icon entitled: 'Path Demo'. You'll see three cubes with a ball sitting on top of the middle one. In the "Object Master", right-click on the 'Path' node. This will bring up a path-tool editing box. Check the radio-button marked "Bezier" for some action. This whole demo took 2 minutes to construct and is composed mostly of VRML primitives. Play with it! More demos: Choose "Open" from the "File" menu. Try going to the 'terminal' directory and selecting 'terminal.3dw' Courtesy of the dark-mind of Jesse. Now the good news!: 1. The install program is much better than before. Extract the file spin.exe (File|Run spin.exe) into any temp directory. When that is finished, run the setup program (File|Run setup.exe) and you're on your way. 2. Level-of-Detail is working. We will have a good example of using level-of-detail for doing simple animations (i.e., opening a door). 3. You can apply over 30 different types of textures. 4. We are working with with browsers on embedding our scene layout tools in their browsers. If you have a favorite browser, please drop them a line telling them all the good things about SPINNER (tell us the bad things!). That's it. Good Luck and please send us any cool worlds you built and we'll put them on our web site. If you have ANY questions, email us at support@3dweb.com. We are answering these emails twice a day, so you should have an answer back within four hours or at the most the next day (including most weekends). Thank again for buying SPINNER. Mike Known Bugs Most likely this bug report will only make sense to you once you have encountered them during the tutorial. But here they are for your reference. 1. When toggling between Builder and other applications, such as Microsoft Word, the colors of your scene in the 3D View will corrupt. To correct this problem, resize the View window slightly. 2. Deleting objects from Object Master is confusing: To delete objects from a scene via the Object Master Window, do the following: Click on the Object in the Object Master (or click for choosing multiple objects), then you must click the mouse cursor in any of the view windows (i.e., 3D View, or any of the Ortho Views). Now press key and the objects will disappear. 3. There are special icons (in the object master) that indicate “current goup”, and “current camera”. If you move these objects (using Drag and Drop), these icons dissapear. 4. When scaling an object, the bounding box get out of synch. This is harmless. Workaround: de-select and re-select the item after scaling. 5. Although the documentation is relatively up-to-date, you will be able to download the latest reference.doc and reference.txt from our web site, www.3dweb.com. Soon we will have on-line help. Known Lack of Features 1. Only the mouse sensor is now working; other inputs such as 3d mice or hmd support will come later. 2. We don’t output cameras. 3. Can not edit a light's properties. You must delete it and create a new light 4. Can not edit a camera's properties. You must delete it and create a new light 5. Can only select one object at a time in 3D view window. Can do multiple selection from Object master. 6. Can't input VRML yet, this wasn't promised, but we will have this capability soon. 7. Many features that will be implemented as Drag and Drop in the final product are now (more clumsily) implemented as dialog boxes